논문투고         Regulation




The manuscript must be documented original work that has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscript types are classified as Original research articles, Short communication, Review papers and Notes. Original research article must be documented an originality for experimental results, theoretical consideration, and results interpretation. Short communication must report that the important preliminary results are urgent for publication in the field of research and do not warrant as a full paper. Manuscript format should be prepared the same as research article. Review paper should be up-to-date surveys of important current development in pesticide sciences. Note should be provided the topical information including summaries of important international aspects and it must be within a 2 published pages.

Submitted manuscript to be published or not is approved by editorial board and only unpublished manuscript will be return to author. Manuscripts should be submitted by online to the journal web site(https://www.kjps.or.kr). The received date is to be the submission date of manuscript by on-line and the accepted date of manuscript is to be the approval date by editorial board.

For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors (http://publicationethics.org/internationalstandardseditors-and-authors) can be applied.


Cover letter should be described that the manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscript must be prepared using word-processing software and numbered continuously starting with the title page. The lines in the text should be numbered consecutively from the first page. The all material in the manuscript must be used a 12-point single main font and double-spaced.

The manuscript of original research article should be organized in the following sequence:

  • • Title page and author information
  • • Abstract and keywords
  • • Introduction
  • • Materials and Methods
  • • Results and Discussion
  • • Acknowledgment
  • • Literature Cited

Title and authorship

The title, authorship, institutional affiliations should be included a single page and it should be written in Korean followed by English. The complete mailing address of all institutions for author should be written in English and the institutions name only in Korean. The institutional affiliation of authors should be designated with a numbers. The corresponding author must be marked with an asterisk. The footnote should be indicated the phone number, fax numbers and e-mail address of this correspondent.


The primary affiliation for each author should be the institution where the majority of their work was done. If an author has subsequently moved, the current address may additionally be stated. Addresses will not be updated or changed after publication of the article.

Changes to authorship

Authors are strongly advised to ensure the correct author group, the Corresponding Author, and the order of authors at submission. Changes of authorship by adding or deleting authors, and/or changes in Corresponding Author, and/or changes in the sequence of authors are not accepted after acceptance of a manuscript. Adding and/or deleting authors at revision stage are generally not permitted, but in some cases it may be warranted. Reasons for these changes in authorship should be explained. Approval of the change during revision is at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

Author identification

Authors are recommended to use their ORCID ID when submitting an article for consideration or acquire an ORCID ID via the submission process. And also, all authors’ job title (or position) should be provided.

Abstract and keywords

The abstract should be one paragraph, a clear, and

concise including the primary scope and objectives, experimental approach, results, and conclusions and no longer than 200 words. The key words are should be provided within 5 words following the abstract and listed in alphabetical order. The abstract and keywords should be documented in English and Korean.


Introduction should be concisely reported the background and the purpose of the research, originality, and contribution in the field. The manuscript does not duplicated previously published work and does not include current results.

Materials and Methods

Reagents, equipments, the experimental methods, and statistical methods should be enough detailed and referenced for other researchers to repeat the study. Quantitative methods are required for the validity and reliability.

Results and Discussions

This section should be briefly documented the data in text, tables or figures and concise in discussing for the results. Appropriate statistical analyses to support discussion of differences or similarities in data should be employed. For detail on preparation of tables and figures, see below Tables and Figure section.


The names of people, grants, and supports received in relation to the research in the manuscripts are stated.

Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest

Conflict of Interest: Author A has received research grants from Company A. Author B has received a speaker honorarium from Company X and owns stock in Company Y. Author C is a member of committee Z.

If no conflict exists, the authors should state: “Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.”

Citation in text

Published papers or papers in press can be cited in text.

  • • Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text.
  • • Citation in text should be English form with the styles as followings:
    • - Single author: (Lee, 2012)
    • - Two authors: (Lee and Kim, 2012)
    • - Three or more authors: (Lee et al., 2012)
    • - Groups of references: (Kim et al., 1989; Lee, 2000); should be listed first chronologically, then alphabetically; More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc.
    • - Papers in press: (Lee DW, in press) - Unpublished papers: (Lee DW, Hong GD, unpublished observation)
    • - Personal information: (Lee DW, personal communication)

Reference list (Literature Cited)

  • • References should be written in English form.
  • • English form is only allowed in case of non-English papers. Non-English title should be translated to English. The original languages that cannot be translated to English may be notated as alphabet letters based on the sound.
  • • References should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary.

<Journal articles>

Reagents, equi

  1. 1) One author:
    • Trudgill D, 1995. An assessment of the relevance of thermal time relationship to nematology. Fundam. Appl. Nematol. 18(5):407-417.
  2. 2) Two authors:
    • Yeon E, Kim HT, 2019. Characteristics and field fitness of Colletotrichum horii resistant to tebuconazole. Korean J. Pestic. Sci. 23(4):331-338. (In Korean)
  3. 3) Three and four authors:
    • Lee DH, Choi J, Kim HT, 2019. Phytotoxicity test of fungicide by using ultra low volume sprayer in a greenhouse. Korean J. Pestic. Sci. 23(4):323-330. (In Korean)
  4. 4) More five authors:
    • Kang JT, Lee SJ, Kim TS, Song JS, Lee CM, et al.,2019. The occurrence of insect pests, damage rates and chemical control at coniferous seed orchards. Korean J. Pestic. Sci. 23(4):241-250. (In Korean)


  • Nesmith WC, Dowler WM, 1973. Cold hardiness of peach trees as affected by certain cultural practices. HortScience 8:267 (Abstr.).


  • New TR, 2010. Beetles in conservation. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Oxford, UK. Pp.43-67

<Book chapter>

  • Eken C, 2011. Isolation, identification and preservation of entomopathogenic fungi. pp. 1-46. In: Borgio JF, Sahayaraj K, Susurluk IA (Eds.). Microbial insecticides: principles and applications. Nova Scince Publishers, Inc. New York, USA.

<Books published by organization or group>

  • American Public Health Association, 1998. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. Washington, DC, USA. National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, 1988. Methods of soil chemical analysis. Suwon, Korea. (In Korean)

<Dissertation or Thesis>

  • Reeder JD, 1981. Nitrogen transformation in revegetated coal spoils. PhD Diss., Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins.

<Bulletin et al.>

  • Rollins HA, Howlett FS, Emmert EH, 1962. Factors affecting apple hardiness and methods of measuring resistance of tissue to low temperature injury. Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bul. p.901.


  • Shin S, McKenna D, 2019. Weevil phylogenomics using old meseum specimens. 2019 Fall International Conference of KSAE, Pyeongchang, Korea. 24-25 Oct. p. 179.

<Proceeding paper>

  • Locasio SJ, Fiskell TGA, Everett PE, 1970. Advances in watermelon fertility. Proc. Trop. Reg. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 14:223-231.


  • U.S.A. Department of Agriculture. 1977. Agricultural statistics for 1996. Washington, D.C. USA. p. 307.


  • Roth TL, 1972. The manufacturing process of natural insecticide. US Patent 3670.


  • Regulation of pesticide toxicity. 2020. http://pis.rda.go. kr/spcltyinfo/agchmUndstand/agchm.do?menuCode=2_1_5 (Accessed Feb. 10. 2020).

Tables and Figures

The tables and figures should be included in the manuscript after Literature Cited and numbered consecutively in order first cited in the text with Arabic numerals. Abbreviations in the table should be described the footnote with superscript, lowercase letter in parentheses-a), b), c) etc.- and listed below the table, proceeding to across a row from left to right. Figure captions should be started with “Fig.” followed by the figure number. Punctuation is to be included after number and to be placed at the end of the caption. If a figure contains several parts, label each part with a letter in parentheses- (A), (B), (C) etc.- and cite in the caption.


Length, height, weight, and volume should be present in metric units and use of International System of Units (SI) is recommended

Temperature should be expressed in degrees Celsius (eg, 25oC)


The publication fee is 300,000 Korean won per article.


The proof file of accepted manuscript will be sent the corresponding author by e-mail and the responsibility of page proof lie with the corresponding author. Reprints could be ordered by filling out the form and will be charged in copies. Authors could download the publication from the journal website freely.


Authors submitting a manuscript do so on understanding that if it is accepted for publication, exclusive copyright of the paper shall be assigned to the Publisher.


Manuscript Online Review System

The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science has been established a Web-based system that provides a manuscript peer review and submission environment with simple accessibility. For this specific guidelines are available from the top menu at the journal website. Manuscript submitterd to the journal will be evaluated to be the following four categories, Accept, Major Revision, Minor Revision, and Reject.

Special Note to Author

The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science has established the law by which the authors are not allowed to express any complains to the journal Editorial board on the final judgement of their manuscript. Automatic application of the law to all authors will proceed when they submit their manuscripts to the journal.

General Processes

The journal peer review system has three-blind review process to reach the final decision of manuscript evaluation. General processes for manuscript review are described as follows.

The Journal Management Head Office will receive automatically an e-mail notice of manuscript submission

when authors submit successfully their manuscript on the journal online system. The manuscript will be reviewed by a chief editor for evaluationg manuscript structure format. The manuscript may be immediately rejected if typescripts are not inadequately or incorrectly prepared. Thus, the authors should carefully read and follow the guidelines found at the journal website (https://www.kjps.or.kr). All submissions under prescripts review process should be regarded as the initial submission.

Once the manuscripts are correctly prepared and accepted at the evaluation process of format structure. Editor and at least 3 reviewers will be invited for reviewing the manuscript. The authors will receive an notification of receipt of their paper after editor assignment. It would generally take at least two weeks for reviewers to finish the first round of manuscript review.

The author will receive a final decision letter of their manuscript within at least 2 months, including the period from submission, revision to final judgement by referees. The editor’s decision based on reviewer’s comments will be critical to acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.

The authors will be required to revise their manuscript if major or minor revision is needed. The authors should follow the initial submission process to load their revised manuscript on the online review system. The authors should revise their manuscript within one month after revision required; otherwise the manuscript may be rejected without any notice.


Directive No. 236 by the Ministry of Science and Technology and “Guidelines on Good Publication Practice” by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) shall take precedence over the research ethics regulations of the Korean Society of Pesticide Science. The objectives and regulations of the Korean Journal of Pesticide Science are as follows:

Article 1(Objectives) The Ethics Committee (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”) is established to resolve any issues of misconduct, enforce research ethics regulations, and prevent plagiarism in publications (research results) of the Korean Journal of Pesticide Science that is issued in respect to the affairs specified in Article 4 of the Society bylaws.

Article 2(Organization) ① The Committee shall be composed of one Chairperson and a few Committee Members. ② The President for the next term shall serve as Chairperson of the Committee. The Chairperson shall appoint the Committee Members. Editor-in-Chief and Chairpersons of Operation, Scholarship, and Ethics of the Society shall become ex officio members.

Article 3(Term) The Committee Members shall serve for one year and may be reappointed

Article 4(Operation) ① The Chairperson shall convene a Committee meeting when he or she considers it necessary and external requests are made. ② The Committee shall decide when more than half of current members are present in meetings and by majority vote. If a reviewee is a Committee Member, he or she shall not vote in review meetings. ③ The Chairperson shall notify the reviewee, by registered mail, of the purpose of the meeting at least a month prior to the meeting date so that the reviewee can either attend the meeting or vindicate him or herself in writing. If the reviewee does not offer his or her vindication, it shall be considered that he or she agrees to the purpose of the review. ④The Chairperson shall relegate investigation when a third person or additional information, in addition to the reviewee, are needed to verify research authenticity. ⑤ The Committee shall make the purpose of the review, reviewee’s vindications, and final decisions from the meeting available on the website and to the reviewee and members of the Society. However, the opinions of Committee Members shall remain confidential.

Article 5(Prohibition of Publication Misconduct) ① Based on social rules, related laws, regulations, and ordinances, authors are prohibited from committing misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, duplicate publication, and inappropriate claims of authorship, that violate publication ethics. ② The criteria for authorship must meet all four items bellow. 1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND 2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND 4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved ③ The authors shall not interfere with the investigation for publication misconduct that involves themselves or others and cause harm to informants. ④ The authors shall not act against the accepted norms in academia.

Article 6(Measures against Misconduct) ① If a plagiarized manuscript is published, the Chairperson of Ethics shall take the following measures:

    1. 1. Remove the publication if the manuscript was published in print or presented on a website or in an academic journal.
    2. 2. The author of the manuscript shall be banned from publishing in journals issued by the Society, whether as primary author or otherwise, for the next three years.
    3. 3. The author shall be banned from presenting research manuscripts at the Society’s symposiums or conferences for the next two years.
  1. ② If the manuscript is submitted for publication, the Chairperson shall take the following measures:
    1. 1. The manuscript shall not be published in the journals or on the website.
    2. 2. The author shall be banned from publishing in journals issued by the Society, whether as primary author or otherwise, for the next one year period.

Article 7(Post-investigation Procedures) The investigation and review results from the Committee meeting shall be reported to the Executive Board, General Meeting, and Editorial Committee for immediate disciplinary measures.

Article 8(Enforcement Regulations) Detailed enforcement regulations shall be established separately for the efficient management of the Committee.

Article 9(Other) Other matters that are not specified in the regulations shall abide by the decisions of the board members of the Society and conform to the Ethics Code of Science Technology that are set forth by the Korean Federation of Science Technology Societies.


Article 1 (Date of Enforcement) The research ethics regulations shall take effect from 1 March 2020.


Instructions to Authors

  • □ I read the requirements for manuscript submission and the guidelines for manuscript preparation. This manuscript was written according to the guidlines.
  • □ The authors’ institutions and the funding body supporting this research have agreed the allow this article to be publishid.
  • □ This article has not been published previously in any other journal. Currently, it is not submitted to another journal for publication
  • □ The Copyright Transfer Agreement Form has been signed.

Manuscript Format

  • □ The manuscript is neatly prepared with the main sections labeled (e.g., Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgements, and Literature Cited).
  • □ The pages ar numbered consecutively beginning with the first line of the title page.
  • □ All Literature Cited are formatted according to the citation style described in the KJPS instructions for authors.
  • □ Each entry in the Literature Cited list in Cited in the text.
  • □ All tables and figures are numbered consecutively in the order of their initial citation in the text.
  • □ All tables and figures are Literature Cited within the Text.


In order that my manuscript might be accepted for publication in the Korea Journal of Pesticide Science, I hereby assign and transfere to the Korean Society of Pesticied Science all rights, title, and interest in and the copyright in the manuscript, entitled

(Title of Manuscript)

submitted by the following author(s)

(Names of All Authors)

KSPS will have the right to publish the manuscript in any medium or form, or by any means, now known or later developed.

No manuscript will be published by KSPS unless the society has received this transfer signed by at least one author who can represent the others. if each author’s signature does not appear below, the signing author(s) represent that they sign this agreement as authorized agents for and on behalf of all the authors, and that this agreeement and authorization is made on behalf of all the authors.

  • Name (print)
  • Signature
  • Date
  • Name (print)(if necessary)
  • Signature
  • Date